Rockaway Valley Airdrome

Rockaway Valley Airdrome, Boonton, NJ (6/30/2019)

This isn't really a hike, but a pleasant walk around an old historic airfield in Boonton, New Jersey. The entire loop is less than two miles, so today we did it twice, once in both directions. There are a handful of information signs along the way, as well as exercise stations. The entire gravel path is level, so it's suitable for all ages. Today we did this as a last-minute idea, so all of the photos were taken by me using my iPhone 7+.

Total distance walked today was 3.6 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)








Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh