Cider Mill Preserve

Cider Mill Preserve (11/25/2019)

This is the second of two areas we visited this morning within a fifteen-minute drive of each other. This area is located in Hunterdon County. Most of the trails skirt fields of grass, and almost all of it is unblazed, which caused us to miss the north-east loop, although we did manage to do most of the rest of the trails. Keep your eyes peeled for the kestrels hovering over the fields, and the sharp-shinned hawks, vultures and red-tailed hawks soaring overhead. This is rare for a grasslands in that much of the area at relatively high altitude with nice views down into the valley.

Using this map, we parked in the lot and did most of the trails in a generally clockwise directions.

Total distance hiked here was about 3.1 miles in 1 hour and 45 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)














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Web design by Dan Balogh