LHT: Cowboy Creek South, Redo

Cowboy's Creek South, Lake Hopatcong Trail (4/22/2019)

In January of this year and in December of last year, we did three hikes of segments of the Lake Hopatcong Trail. Today, Easter Monday we returned to hike a bit the southern-most part.

Using this map, we parked at the northern tip of Leo Avenue (there is space for one or two cars on the shoulder just west of the trailhead) and headed NW into the woods on the LHT Connector Trail. When we reached the LHT, we turned right and headed north. Here the LHT comingles with the Long Path. Our intent was to head north to the point where we hiked during our Devil's Footprint hike in January. But Laura began feeling sick about an hour in, so we promptly turned and headed back to the car. We did make it to the point labeled I on the map and headed south on another connector trail for a bit, thinking that we were on the LHT itself. Oh well. We'll have to return and do the entire segment as planned. There is a beautiful swamp north of the LHT along the way, with another trail that seems to cut through it on boulders. We weren't up to doing that today but that's another bit of area to explore next time.

Total distance hiked today was 3 miles in about two hours and 20 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)













Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh