LHT: Cowboy Creek South, Redo

Cowboy's Creek South Redo, Lake Hopatcong Trail (6/17/2019)

Two months ago we attempted to do the southern-most segment of the Lake Hopatcong trail, but had to turn back after Laura began feeling sick. Two months later, both of us feeling 100%, we returned to do what we wanted to do earlier.

Using this map, we parked at the northern tip of Leo Avenue (there is space for one or two cars on the shoulder just west of the trailhead) and headed NW into the woods on the LHT Connector Trail. When the connector met with the Highlands Trail we turned right, continuing on the connector before finally reaching the LHT at the swampy area. Turning left, we hopped rocks through the swamp (I even had to lay down a few tree branches to make the going a bit easier). We took the LHT north to the part of the LHT that we did back in January during the Devil's Footprint. With this segment we completed almost the entire LHT. It's a very nice, very rugged trail, with lots of ups and downs.

Total distance hiked today was 6.5 miles in about three hours and 45 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)

















Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh