Hacklebarney State Park
It's quite appropriate that we headed to Hacklebarney on Halloween, given the amazing color of orange through nice stretches of the forest! We've only hiked here two times in the past, in 2009 and then again in 2015. It's quite close to home, so we returned today to see the last of the fall foliage. A huge amount of leaves are already on the ground, so we're past peak foliage on the trees. After about a week of rain the Black River was raging.

Because of COVID, they instituted a policy where everyone walks in a clockwise direction, no one should be passing anyone in opposite directions on the trails. So we were limited to what we could do today, and ended up doing the maximum without having to redo large portions. Using this map, we took first Red, then Yellow, the Green, then Pink, then Green again, finally returning back to our car via a short stretch of park road. The highlight, again, was the stretch on the Red trail that skirts the raging Black River.

Total distance hiked today was 3.1 miles in two hours.

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Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh