Hedden County Park

Hedden County Park (1/27/2020)

We hiked this area two times in the past, the last time being back in 2013. Today we returned to hike the two trails that we still hadn't hiked, the two that connect the northern and southern legs of the Hedden Circular Trail.

Using this map, we parked in the lot on East Randolph Avenue (far lower left part of the map), and headed north on the yellow-blazed Jackson Brook Trail. At its end, we continued on the white-blazed Hedden Circular Trail. When we reached the green-blazed Indian Falls Trail, we turned right and headed south, climbing the mountain. Reaching the white trail we turned right, heading west, eventually reaching the red-blazed Mountain Trail which we took north steeply downhill. Back on the white trail we took it east all the way to the blue trail, where we turned left heading north. We walked along the paved road to the green trailhead. This we took west back to white, then back to yellow, which we took back to the car.

Total distance hiked today was just over 3.5 miles in just over two hours and 15 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)













Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh