Mt. Kemble Loop

Mt. Kemble Loop, Jockey Hollow (12/8/2021)

In mid-November we hiked the Primose Brook Trail at Jockey Hollow. Today we returned to hike a trail just a few yards east. In fact, during western-most stretch today, we could see the Primrose Brook Trail.

Using this map, we parked in the lot on Jockey Hollow Road at the circle at Grand Parade Road, and headed into the woods on the blue-blazed New York Brigade trail. We basically followed this entire trail in a clockwise direction, along the perimeter of Mt. Kemble. The only exception was when we took an unblazed trail at the northeastern tip (the copper-colored trail on the map), hiking two sides of a triangle instead of one. One of today's higlights was seeing our fourth bear on the trails since Thanksgiving!

Total distance hiked today was 3.2 miles in just under an hour and 40 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)












Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh