Lachenmayr Trail

Lachenmayr Trail (10/12/2019)

We were short on time this weekend, so this trail was ideal for us. We returned once again to the same area we haven't hiked in the last two weeks, this time hiking the Lachenmayr trail.

Using this map, we parked in the large lot on Roosevelt Road, and headed into the woods and fields to hike nearly every trail on the map. One short segment, the strip of the Orange trail which runs parallel to and between the White and the Yellow (just west of Daley Street on the map) isn't yet blazed, and while ribbons mark the path, it's overgrown and not very passable. And there's more Orange than is indicated on the map, as you can see on our track. In the same area as the aforementioned ribbons, Orange/Red blazes head south. We followed it for a bit, but had to head back, running out of time. And yes, that really is a kestrel I was able to photograph in mid-pounce in one of the photos.

Total distance hiked today was 4.5 miles in two hours and 15 minutes.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)














Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh