Nancy Conger West Brook Preserve
Looks are deceiving, and when you first arrive at this brand new, tranquil preserve you think it's going to be a walk in the woods. But when you get further in, you discover that you will be climbing Long Swamp Mountain as a part of it. And today was particular challenging because of the ice still on the trails. Thank goodness we had our Katoolah EXOspikes with us once again!

Using this map, we parked in a nice little lot on Westbrook Road and headed north into the preserve, hiking evey blazed trail in the place, and a bit of a woods road not on the official map. It's a beautifully rugged little preserve which, at times, reminds me very much of Bearfort Mountain, which isn't far away. Puddingstone is in abundance.

Total distance was 3.8 miles in about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

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Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh