Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary
We have hiked this beautiful area at least four times in the past. The last time was back in 2014, so we decided it was time for another visit. We visited the amazing Audubon bookstore two weeks ago. It's an amazing store, packed with bird books, feeders, binoculars and just about everything else a birder would need. But we didn't have time to hike any trails that day. So we returned today, a gorgeous spring day, warm but not humid. And we had a close encounter with a bear! During the last 30 minutes of the hike I caught him staring at us as we made a short ascent on Red, on the way back to the car. After being seen, he decided to get up (he was sitting near a downed tree off the trail) and lumber slowly away. Good thing too! He was pretty big, as you can see in two photos I managed to get.

Using the map on the second page of this brochure we once again began in the lot on Hardscrabble Road and headed east, instead of north, and then managed to do just about every trail. You can see our track here

Total distance hiked today was about 3 miles in 2 hours.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)














Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh