Schiff Nature Preserve
We have hiked this beautiful preserve at least four times in the past, the last time being just under six years ago. We returned today, to rehike some trails that hadn't been officially blazed last time, and a new segment we hadn't done before.

Using this map (updated last year), we parked at the visitor's center and headed up the steps at the kiosk to blue, where we turned right. Blue is an old worn-out road, which is probably still used for preserve vehicles. When we reached the Great Meadow, we did the entire circle in a counter-clockwise motion, crossing Blue once, and then making a right on the southern leg of Blue. This we took to its end at the western border of the preserve. This part of Blue is the main road in, but not a single car passed us. Passing through a traffic barricade, we continue north on Blue, on a very rugged part overlooking Union Schoolhouse Road, with the Raritan River across. Near the end of Blue, the trail actually crosses the road and parallels the river for about a tenth of a mile. At the end of Blue, we continued north on the newly-blazed Purple trail (it was unmarked last time we hiked it). At the intersection where Purple continues both left and right, we made a right, and then continued to Red (east), and then White, retracing part of the Great Meadow perimeter before taking White all the way back to the car.

Total distance hiked today was 3.5 miles in 2 hours and 10 minutes.

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Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh