Silas Condict South

Silas Condict County Park, South (7/20/2018)

The last time we hiked in this rugged park was seven years ago, the day of Hurricane Irene. It was rainy and dreary that day. That was the second time we visited this area. Ironically, the first time we hiked Silas Condict was two years before that, and it was rainy and dreary on that day too! Today, for once, it was beautiful and sunny!

Using this map we parked in the lane of parking spaces on the entrance road, just a bit west of the entrance. We walked west along the road past the park utility shed and headed into the forest, climbing a gravel path. When we reached White, we turned left, heading in a clockwise direction. Before the "Cave Tunnel" we noticed a new Yellow trail south that parallels the southern arc of White. We'll be visiting soon to do that trail. But it's White that has the views. We didn't have as much time today, so all we could do was White. When we reached Canty's Lake, we walked east across the top of the dam and then ascended sharply up a slightly worn path to join White again near a picnic bench. We continued south on White, back to the gravel road and then back to the car.

We forgot how very rugged and rocky this place is! Use poles if you have them. Total distance hiked today was 3.2 miles in about 2.5 hours.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)
















Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh