Unblazed Wildcat

Unblazed Wildcat, Wildcat Ridge WMA (12/27/2020)

Earlier this month we hiked to the Hawk Watch attempting to use mainly unblazed trails and woods roads. At that point we twice encountered paths that ended with nothing we were able to follow, forcing us to rely more on the blazed trails. Today we returned to hike a section further west of the Hawk Watch using unblazed paths. This time we had success. Just the final 40-minute leg used the blue-blazed Beach Glen trail. The rest of our hike was on unblazed woods roads and paths (the infamous red dashed lines on all NYNJTC maps).

Our path is too difficult to describe here, and would be difficult to follow even if you had the map in front of you, so here is a fragment of the NYNJTC Map #125 showing our path highlighted in yellow.

Total distance hiked today was 4.1 miles in just under 3 hours, with at least 15 minutes spent in St. Patrick's Cemetery, which is off a newly-blazed Orange trail (still shown as red dashed on the map).

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)
















Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh