AT west of CR602

AT east of CR602, DWG Recreational Area (4/2/2021)

The last time we hiked the AT east of CR602 was 13 years ago! At that time we hiked all the way to an overlook over Fairview Lake and then backtracked. Today we didn't go quite that far, since it was snowing when we got there and it was bitterly cold (single digit feel-like temperatures). Happy Spring! When I breathed on my camera lens, in order to wipe it clean, a thin film of ice immediately appeared! We didn't have it in us to be out there too long today.

This time we parked in the two-car pulloff on the western side of CR602. The AT actually traverses this short part of CR602 between the woods that go to Rattlesnake Swamp to the west, and to Fairview Lake to the east. So I guess you can say we parked on the Appalachian Trail! We headed north on CR602 for a tiny stretch, then entered the woods on the AT heading east. We continued to the view west in the powerline cut, then to the spectacular view east from the vista (overlooking, among other things, the same powerline cut). You can see that, by comparing the photos from 2008 to those from today, that all of the powerline pylons have been replaced in the past 13 years. We then continued east until just short of the border between Warren and Sussex county. We then turned around and headed back to the car.

It should be noted that just east of the pond which is encountered near the beginning of this hike (at just about 41.060914 N, 74.958816 W), there is a trail blazed with Blue/White that heads east. It must have caused so much confusion in the past, because there is a sign saying "Not the AT", with an arrow pointing to the left guiding AT hikders. This trail isn't on any map that I could find, so I have no idea where it goes. A return trip may be in order!

Total distance was 3.2 miles in just short of 2.5 hours.

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Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh