Hoffman Park

Hoffman Park, Hunterdon County (5/27/2019)

The last time we hiked this beautiful area was way back in 2010, almost nine years ago. Nearly nothing has changed about this place since then. In other words, you can still do some peaceful walking, enjoying the ponds, the wild flowers, the birds and other wildlife.

Today we parked at the eastern border of the park, in the large lot on CR 625. Following this map, we headed into the woods and did every path and trail in the place, necessarily repeating legs in order to cover all of them. We saw lots of swallows, a deer with its baby doe (too fast for photos), Canada geese, bluebirds, robins, woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, and others, as well as loads of interesting wild flowers.

Total distance hiked today was 5.8 miles in just under 3 hours.

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Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh