Merrill Creek Reservoir
Wow! Has it really been seven weeks since we hiked in this area? In a word, yes! There are many reasons for this, too many to go into, but don't worry. Both of us are doing well. It's just that our time for hiking has become severely limited and we're pretty sure that the days of hiking every weekend are going to be on pause for some time. But while we haven't gone hiking in this area for seven weeks, we did spend a week in Iceland where we went on some spectacular hikes. It's one of the best countries for hiking... if you go during the summmer!

So after seven weeks of not being able to hit the trails in this area today we returned to a place we've visited twice before, the last time being back in January of 2013, when we did the same hike as today, but in the snow. That day we were entertained by hundreds (thousands even) or snow geese on the water. Today was a bit more tranquil. Once again, for the most part, we followed this hike on the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference website. There is a rudimentary map on the second page of this brochure.

Total distance hiked today was 5 miles in just under three hours.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)
















Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh