Spart Glen Park

Sparta Glen Park (11/15/2019)

We first hiked this rugged area over eight years ago. At that time the only trail map was the small unmarked trail to a viewpoint indicated on the NYNJTC map #126. But earlier this month my friend Daniela hiked this park and when I compared her track to mine from eight years ago, I could see that there were many new trails that hadn't been there earlier. And they're all blazed today. So back we headed on this cold Friday. Daniela post a photo of a new map available at the kiosk, but as she indicates, there are other trails not on this map.

We parked at the large lot near the Blue trail head and headed up the mountain. We continued on Green. At the northern-most point on Green, there is a Yellow trail that heads north, and then back, forming a loop. We took that and then continued south downhill all the way back to Blue near the first parking area (this trail is also not on the map). Continuing east on Orange, we headed north on a very steep trail blazed with large green-in-yellow circles. This lead to the viewpoint over Lake Mohawk. This viewpoint is also accessible from the north. Retracing back to Orange we took that back to the road, on which we walked (less than 0.1 mile) back to the car. You can see our track here.

Total distanced hiked today was 3 miles in just under 2.5 hours with lots of climbing.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)











Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh